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The Energy Equation System:
A Balanced Approach to Life

What is the Energy Equation System?

The Energy Equation System is a set of simple yet powerful strategies to move one from living in a 'negative Energy Equation' where one typically experiences life as draining, frustrating, and defeating, to living in a 'positive Energy Equation' where one experiences life as energizing, compelling, satisfying, and fun!

The Energy Equation holds at its core the belief that each of us has the power to create positive transformation in every aspect of our lives once we learn how to manage our own personal energy equation. The Energy Equation System provides the guidance you need to heal your body and your life, and begin living in peace, joy, wonder, and fulfillment!

Susan Mikolic, R.N.


We know what energy feels like. We also know what it is like when we are drained of energy. But have you ever wondered what happens between theses two points?

Let’s begin by thinking of your energy as an ‘energetic bank account’ that you add or subtract to all day long. Every thought, belief or action you have will have energetic consequences causing additions or withdrawals from your personal energetic account. Unfortunately, most people overdraw their energetic bank accounts on a daily basis.

Once you use up your available energy you begin to draw on the stores in your body. When this happens, your body is no longer functioning at its peak efficiency and is now susceptible to a host of illnesses. In fact, Robert Sapolsky estimates that as much as 90% of illness is stress-related (Robert Sapolsky, “Why Zebra’s Don’t Get Ulcers.”)

Deposits, Withdrawals and Overdrafts

Your body comes equipped with automatic primitive stress response mechanisms that create biochemistry changes within 5-15 seconds of perceived danger. Your body’s responses – all appropriate in the event of a real threat - will be fight, flight or freeze. Unfortunately, our bodies react the same way to perceived danger as we do to the real thing. This means worry and what-if thinking will bring about the same response as an actual threat.

As your body is preparing a fight, flight or freeze response, countless physiological changes occur such as, your blood pressure goes up and your heart pumps harder, as well as many other changes. When these systems stay at high alert for prolonged periods of time we end up with chronic medical conditions. And sometimes these systems wear out from overuse.

At the same time, other systems begin to shut down. Your body has to fuel the gear up of some systems with some energy from somewhere, so it diverts energy from other systems it considers non-essential if you were to die from this threat…systems such as the reproductive system and immune system.

If we don’t pull ourselves out of this stress response and stay in this heightened state of alertness for prolonged periods of time, we end up with chronic medical problems as well as feel tired, unhappy, with no sense of peace or life balance.

Stop Wasting Energy with The Red Light Plan

You can stop wasting precious energy lost to stress. The Energy Equation’s Red Light Plan is a proactive approach that teaches you to think ahead & plan your responses to life’s inevitable stresses. When stressful events occur, you are ready for them. You recognize stress and are able to control your responses to it before it had a chance to adversely affect your health, happiness or mental well being.

Are you living in a negative energy equation?

The first step to living in a state of balanced energy is to figure out how much energy you have in your energy account today. Take a few minutes right now to do a self-assessment of your personal energy levels. It will guide you to reflect on ten critical areas of your life and help you establish your Energy Equation baseline. Come back to the Energy Equation Self Assessment as often as you like to retest and check your progress. You will feel your energy improve and your spirits soar as your scores change.

Read research results showing benefits of The Energy Equation program
Read Susan's Blog:
Celebrate 50! An Intentional Living Project
Calculate Your Energy Equation
  Take 5 minutes to complete this confidential self-assessment to audit ten key areas of your life. It will help you determine if your energy equation is positive, negative or somewhere in between Click here

Mental Health Advocate216-513-6098

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