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Children's Mental Health Advocate
Mental Health Advocate
"I am so grateful to be here. This is the best workshop I have attended in my entire career."
~TM, Indianapolis.

"Through her knowledge of my child's needs, the staff was educated about David's issues and how those issues impact his ability to learn in the public school environment." more

"Great presentation. You really put things in perspective - gave us the "big picture." more

Understanding the Problem

A significant number of American children are struggling with emotional disturbances and the myriad issues it creates in their lives. These illnesses create problems with sleep, attention, concentration, motivation, self-control, peer relationships, and many other areas that directly affect their ability to function in an academic setting. Because these symptoms and issues are transparent, meaning the child doesn’t show external physical deformities, broken limbs, lab test abnormalities, these children “look” like “typical” children. The problems they experience are often then deemed to be a function of poor parenting, lack of discipline, or just inherently “bad” kids. Societal stigma plays a large part in the general lack of accurate public knowledge about mental illness.

The lack of accurate knowledge about childhood emotional disturbances and  mental illnesses, their symptoms, treatments, and effects on one’s functioning create barriers for children with these illnesses as they typically need specialized services and plans to allow them to function successfully in an academic setting.

Email 216-513-6098

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